- our spoiled, pampered, precious princess puppies





Many will walk in and out of your life, but only a true friend will leave paw prints on your heart



Welcome to our website....

They say that there is no love like the love of a dog.  We are lucky to have found that love with our girls Shawna and Sugar.  They taught us many things about life and about love.  Our girls are forever in our hearts.

The loss of our Sugar is difficult and our hearts are broken in a million pieces.  God promises that our animals live on and knowing that she is in Heaven brings comfort for today and He assures us there will be a reunion, which gives hope for the future. Our journey together will then begin once more and we will shall never part.

A dog's love and loyalty is unconditional - much like that of the love between a parent and a child.  We can tell when they are happy or sad and they can tell the same about us.  The neat thing about the relationship between humans and their four-legged babies is that they don't judge us or tell us what to do; they are always ready to listen and offer companionship and they are always excited to see us and they never let us down when we need them.   Many people I know prefer the company of their dog or other pet over their human friends or family members.

Their emotional reactions are much like ours so much that many of us tend to treat them as humans.  Their emotions are visibly expressed in their eyes and face, their tail and ear movements, posture and general behavior.  Sometimes they express themselves vocally with whines, barks or growls, meows or their own unique sound.

Dogs and pets in general make our lives whole.  They can reduce our stress and help ease many health-related issues.  They are our true friends, our constant companions.... our life.


With love to our spoiled, pampered, precious princess puppies - Sugar & Shawna

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